Let's start with Elmir. His event will begin on June 17th, ending on June 20th.

Summoning Elmir requires 30 Soul Stones. He will have two stars. We will need 150 more stones before he will be really useful. If we look at his stats page, we see that he has a fairly strong physical attack, light armor, and fairly low health. His main strength is Agility. Moving down the list we see that Elmir has the dodge ability. This means that even though his health is low, once we get him to Violet +1, we can start leveling up his dodge glyph, and in time he will be able to avoid getting hit. Dodge works the EXACT same way as Critical Hit Chance. If you missed that article, or need a refresher, you can find it here: Critical Hit Chance
So, what can we do with an Elmir? Looking at his skills page, we see that he has four skills like everyone else. For the sake of brevity, I will not be posting screenshots here.
White Ability:
Elmir will move to the far line, (The Back) and use his second skill, if available, and carry out ranged attacks for the next 10 seconds. He will get an attack bonus while this skill is active.
Green Ability:
Elmir will create a sand clone with a percentage of his health. This percentage is dependent on his level. The higher his level, the more health the clone gets. At this point, the clone can only take damage. This is good though, because while the enemy team is attacking the clone, your heroes aren't taking damage.
Blue Ability:
The clones can now attack! Clones created with the first ability will continue attacking with ranged attacks from afar.
Violet Ability:
When using his Green Ability, Elmir gets the chance to make two, or four clones. This is based off of chance, and the higher his level, the better the chance you will get two or four clones.
Okay, so what is all of this information really telling us?
Elmir is a force multiplier. He adds more firepower to your team with his clones. If Elmir can successfully create four clones, your hero team just went from five heroes to NINE heroes! Used correctly, this can have devastating effects.
So how do we use him effectively?
As with so many other things, what you will get here is more opinion than fact or hard rules. That being said, Elmir is not a good fit for a heavy armor team that can take a good deal of damage. He will die early on in a fight like that. So, we'll put him in a dodge/strike team. This team is based on Critical Hit Chance. The goal being, "Do as much damage as possible, as fast as we can, and get the hell outta' dodge." <- Pun intended, you know, because Elmir has uh, dodge. Never mind... There is an upcoming article on the team that I am planning, and I will go into much more detail there. For now, I will say that Ishmael is a key part of that team. Ishmael's artifact gives his hero team Critical Hit Chance. Elmir is adding up to four more members to that team. I think you can see where this is going. Nine heroes with Critical Hit Chance can be extremely difficult to defend against.
So now we come to the real question, should I go all out on this event?
Well, maybe. If you are at a point where your main team is solid, and you've already done a good deal of ground work on your secondary team, this might be a good next step. The issue you will run into is expense. A good Elmir team will be VERY resource expensive if you want to really make it strong. These teams also focus on less common heroes, some of which you can only get from special events. The types of teams you will be creating with Elmir will likely be a little more exotic. The team that I will be outlining in the Critical Team article consists of, Elmir+Ishmael+Dorian+Jhu+Ziri. This is a team that will take quite some time to raise. Other possible choices for this team could include Sebastian, and Jet.
If you're ready to start a Critical Team, you need Elmir. Otherwise, don't throw everything you have into the Elmir event.
Satori will be the next hero event, starting 6/23 - 6/26.
Satori is definitely worth investing in. Once he is sufficiently leveled, he can be absolutely devastating. I will not go into a huge amount of detail here, if Satori is something everyone is interested in, I will write a separate article on him. Just message me on Discord. Satori works well in Mage based teams, and can be a good addition to mixed damage teams as well. An interesting thing to note is that Satori's abilities are structured in a way that does significant damage to the opposing team when they gain energy. I have been in battles where Satori has killed two of my heroes in one shot due to this ability. He is not to be taken lightly.
The next hero event will be Jhu. This event will run 6/28 - 7/1.
I will also not be going into detail on Jhu. I do not have this hero yet, so I am still unfamiliar with him. If you are planning a Critical Team, you really should participate here. Jhu's artifact also gives your team Critical Hit Chance. Jhu himself has Critical Hit Chance. This means that in the team outlined above, specifically, Jhu+Ishmael can be a very big problem for your opponent. Keep in mind, however, that he will need proper support. If not, the fight will be over before it even gets started.
It is worth mentioning here that there will also be an event for collecting Runes. You need these to level up glyphs. Where Jhu and Ishmael are concerned, you will be needing lots of Runes so you can boost their Critical Hit Chance Glyphs. To fully take advantage of what the month of June will have on offer and build a Critical Team, you will need to participate heavily in the Elmir+Jhu+Runic Milestone events. Otherwise, I'd save it for Satori+Runic Milestone.
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