Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Showin' Some Skin - Part 1 of 3

This question seems to come up a lot, so I figured I'd share my perspective on skins, which to get, which aren't worth it, which to get first, etc.  So, let's look at which to get first.  This list will be incomplete since I don't have all of the heroes in the game.

  • K'arkh - Get the Stellar skin.  It's absolutely essential for K'arkh
  • Astaroth - You need all of the skins available.  He is the best tank in the game, and he absolutely needs all of his skins to be the most effective.  If you can only get one, you absolutely without a doubt need to get his Barbarian Skin. This will boost his armor, and battles with him will be decided based on the amount of armor he has.
  • Dorian - I have never seen a need for his additional skins. Dorian can stand on his own without them.
  • Nebula can benefit from her Romantic Skin and her Winter Skin, but by far the most effective skin for Nebula is her Spring Skin - it gives her Dodge ability a substantial boost.  Unfortunately this skin can only be gained through Outland.  But you can buy it by saving Outland coins.
  • Cleaver - Cleaver has four skins available, all of which offer him needed stats.  His Barbarian skin is  the most important.  It increases his health.  Next up would be his Masquerade skin.  He gets a crucial armor boost from it.
  • Faceless - Get the Stellar Skin and his Masquerade skin.  They are both worth it.  If you can only get one, then the Masquerade skin is the one you should get for him.
  • Ishmael - You have to get them all, period.  His stats have been nerfed, and the way the devs made up for it is by selling skins to fix what they took out.  The skins should be free in my opinion, but that's an issue to take up with the devs.
  • Jorgen - I have not found it necessary to get and of Jorgen's skins.  That said, his creepy ass Masquerade skin will be very useful to you if you find yourself facing a lot of Satori teams.
  • Maya - You will want to at least get her Champion skin, and her Romantic Skin.
  • Galahad - You'r going to want to get them all.  There's no way around it.  His skins turn him into a MONSTER.
  • Lars - This one is sure to draw some debate.  You can avoid Lars's Masquerade skin if you team him with Nebula.  She will provide the same functionality with her magic attack boost.  Lars absolutely needs his Cybernetic skin.  This will give him sorely needed armor.  His Devil skin can be avoided.
  • Krista - She will greatly benefit from her Devil skin.
  • Rufus - His skins are not needed unless you are fighting Physical teams.  If you're fighting Physical teams with Rufus, you're using him wrong.
  • Celeste - You'll want to get both of her skins.
  • Kai - His health is weak, his Champion skin will fix that.  His Solar skin is also worthwhile as it will boost his magic penetration, and allow more of his magic damage to get to the enemy.
  • Kiera - The goal with Kiera is to have her do as much damage as possible.  Both of her skins will help in this regard.  But if you're finding yourself limited, her Winter skin is the most important.
  • Jhu - As far as he is concerned, his Solar skin is going to be far more valuable than any of the others.  It boosts his Critical Hit Chance, and this will give you more mileage than any of the other skins.
That's all for part one.  We will continue down the list of heroes in part two of the series, and close with some general rules of thumb to help you decide if a skin is really worthwhile to you.

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