Thursday, July 16, 2020

Showin' Some Skin - Part 2 of 3

Picking up right where we left off, part two of the series will start with:

  • Elmir - For Elmir, there are two things that he desperately needs.  Dodge, and Armor penetration.  His Barbarian skin, and his Devil skin are must haves.  The Devil skin also became available for purchase recently.  Prior to this, it could only be achieved through Outland Chest pulls.  The Winter skin is optional.
  • Thea - Personally, I don't use this hero.  If you plan on doing so, you'll need to get her Winter skin.  Thea is extremely light on armor.  The Winter skin will keep her in the fight much longer.  Thea's Angel skin is an optional purchase.  The same functionality is provided by her Champion skin, without using real world money.  It is a good idea to get the Champion skin as well.  All of her abilities other than her Violet skill are derived based on her Magic attack.
  • Arachne - I wouldn't buy any of these skins.  Arachne will become increasingly useless as you progress.  There are some that advocate using her on a C team for Grand Arena.  If you choose to do this, you *might* want to get her Winter skin.
  • Orion - You'll want both of his skins.  Period.
  • Artemis - Artemis has Critical Hit Chance.  The higher you can get that stat, the more likely she will score a critical hit.  If you are using her, you should get her Angel Skin.  You will likely also want to get her Devil skin as it increases her physical attack. 
  • Judge - Save your money and pass on this one.
  • Lilith - Another hero that requires all of her available skins to be truly useful.  But in the long run, she's just not worth it.
  • Jet - Jet will need both of his skins as you level him up.  They don't seem to be as important long term, due to his position in the team, and when paired with heroes that can do high amounts of damage, the fight doesn't last long.  I recommend getting them.  But, if you are trying to decide between multiple skins that you can afford, you should skip this one.
  • Sebastian - Sebastian only has one skin.  This is his Romantic skin.  You REALLY want to get this one.  Currently, it is only available as an Outland Chest pull.
  • Heidi - Just don't.
  • Astrid and Lucas - Her most valuable skin by far is her Romantic skin.  Her other skins offer much needed functionality, but are not as important as he Romantic skin.
  • Ginger - If you're planning on using this hero, you will need all of her skins.  They don't provide as much of a stat bonus as others, but you will need them if you're serious about winning with her.
  • Satori - Yes, you need his only skin.  It gives him armor, making him much harder to kill.
  • Helios - Helios has fairly weak health out of the box.  His Devil skin fixes that.  If you're going to build Helios (and it should be part of your plan), you will at least need to get his Champion and Devil skins.  Buying his Romantic skin is also not a bad idea.
  • Phobos - Why? Why would you?  Just why?
  • Aurora - If you are going to use Aurora, stop.  You are not Ghost Warrior.  If you are Ghost Warrior, then you'll need all of her skins.
  • Qing Mao - If you are using her correctly to weaken enemy armor and backing her up with a really good DPS unit like *cough* Kiera *cough* cough*, then you need to get her Phoenix skin.  The others are helpful, but not needed.
  • Andvari - You need his Winter skin.  It's the only one, and you need it.
  • Fox - Just keep it moving.  Skip these.  If you're seriously using Fox, then as your friend, I'm asking you to stop.
  • Daredevil - You absolutely need to get her Rowdy skin.  It increases her Critical Hit Chance.  Her Romantic skin isn't needed, if you're fighting battles with her where health is a concern, you're doing it wrong.
  • Mojo - I think we all know the answer to this one.
  • Peppy - Peppy receives substantial benefits from her Champion skin and her Lunar skin.  If you're using her in a Cleaver team, you'll want to at least get her Lunar skin.  If you don't have Cleaver, you shouldn't be using Peppy...
  • Luther - If you're serious about using Luther, then you'll need to get all of his skins.  He will not hold up without them.  If you have to choose only one, you should get his Stellar skin.  He needs the Physical Damage boost the Stellar skin gives.
  • Cornelius - You'll want to get the two skins that he has available.  If you get the chance to get his Masquerade skin (event only) you should get that one too.
  • Dante - Stop where you are and put Dante down.  You are making a mistake here.
There you have it people.  There are six heroes missing from this list.  This list will be updated as.  I acquire them.

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